Local Steps to Global Impact–WLG | impact '24
Our firms are making a difference this year for WLG | impact '24. Learn more about each project by clicking on the links below. Firms completed projects throughout the year to coincide with their own CSR initiatives or seasonal needs.
*To read more, view photos, videos, and additional materials for a completed project, click on the linked title below the description.
Al Tamimi & Company
In a heartwarming display of corporate social responsibility (CSR), Al Tamimi & Company law firm recently partnered with Senses Residential and Day Care for special needs to celebrate Eid with the children at the center. This initiative underscored the firm’s commitment to giving back to the community and creating meaningful experiences for those in need.
Our team in Costa Rica organized several activities in an "Environmental Week" full of actions to strengthen cultural sustainability.
Arnold & Porter
Arnold & Porter partnered with the American Bar Association to publish Environmental, Social, Governance: The Professional's Guide to the Law and Practice of ESG, designed to help companies (and those advising companies) navigate the challenging risks and opportunities associated with environmental, social, and governance issues today.
Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
Dongcheon Legal Center for NPOs co-hosted the 11th NPO Legal Support Group Training Program at Bae, Kim & Lee LLC with the Korean Bar Association and the Seoul Bar Association. The program, which was launched in 2017, aims to train legal practitioners to assist non-profit organizations (NPO) and promote pro bono activities by attorneys.
Bruchou & Funes de Rioja
As part of the WLG Impact 2024 initiative, Bruchou & Funes de Rioja will carry out the "Plastic-Free June and Plastic with Purpose" project, in which all its members will be called upon to fill bottles with hard-to-recycle and single-use plastic waste generated daily and collect them.
Chandler MHM Limited
Recently, CMHM hosted WLG | regional Bangkok '24, bringing together colleagues from 10 member firms with business interests in the Asia-Pacific region to expand their knowledge of law firm economics, operational strategies, and the art of collaborative client service. Attendees participated in a local CSR activity as part of WLG | impact's 2024 expansion to include in-person activities at WLG | regionals and WLG | summits.
CMS Belgium
For the 3rd year running, CMS Belgium has been awarded a silver medal by Ecovadis, improving its ESG performance with an overall score of 70%.
Castrén & Snellman
Recently, Castrén & Snellman (C&S) hosted WLG | regional Helsinki '24, bringing together colleagues from 17 member firms with business interests in the EMEA region to expand their knowledge of law firm economics, operational strategies, and the art of collaborative client service. Attendees participated in a local CSR activity as part of WLG | impact's 2024 expansion, including in-person activities at WLG | regionals and WLG | summits.
CMS Switzerland
CMS Switzerland moved into a completely refurbished office building with zero emissions and signed an agreement with Mr. Green–a private company specializing in offices and household recycling.
Gianni & Origoni
Gianni & Origoni renews its commitment in the fight against gender violence and presents #UGUALEPERTUTTE, a project based on long-term initiatives. The aim is to counter the phenomenon of violence against women in all its forms with concrete actions as well as provide real and tangible support by identifying preventive tools and remedies.
Goodmans LLP
This spring, Goodmans firm members once again participated in the City of Toronto's "Clean Toronto Together" litter collection initiative. Joining thousands of other volunteers, our team made a significant impact on the city's environment. Additionally, in partnership with "Card for Change – Givesome,” we distributed gift cards to people experiencing homelessness, furthering our commitment to community support.
Guyer & Regules
As part of World Environment Day and this year's UN slogan, we carried out a joint activity with AMBA, an NGO to which we provide probono services.
Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership
As part of the program, the Istanbul Development Agency entered into a contract with an SPV that is wholly owned by the client, for the SPV to establish a program to reduce youth unemployment in Istanbul.
Herzog Fox & Neeman
A diverse team from Herzog Fox & Neeman went to MOLET's studio at the Design Terminal in Bat Yam to help build furniture from recycled materials for evacuees from Kibbutz Kissufim as part of the "Building Hope” project.
Locke Lord LLP
This year, Locke Lord partnered with three local organizations during WLG | impact ’24.
Makarim & Taira S.
For more than five years, Makarim & Taira S. has run a program wherein they hire folks with Down Syndrome to come and work three-hour shifts at the firm, earning a salary. The firm prepares its staff to work in unison with these employees by bringing in expert psychologists to run seminars to teach others about Down Syndrome and how to communicate with their new co-workers.
MinterEllison has been appointed the pro bono lawyers for Australia's bid to host the Homeless World Cup 2026.
Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados
Learn more about our latest volunteer initiative on behalf of three people with disabilities who could not move normally due to the poor condition of the floors in their homes.
Santamarina y Steta
Each year, 900.000 tons of electronic waste are generated in Mexico. Its careful and responsible management is essential for the conservation of the environment.
Sayenko Kharenko
Sayenko Kharenko, in cooperation with the Breathe Charity Fund, organised charitable initiatives, which aimed to improve the quality of life for underprivileged communities and promote social welfare.
For this year’s WLG | impact, we highlight our collaboration with Stiftelsen Läxhjälpen. Läxhjälpen is an organization that provides support to pupils and students in order to qualify for higher education.
Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak
This year, SK&S took on the green challenge of planting trees. Over 10 days, our employees earned points for engaging in various sports activities.
Soulier Avocats
As part of the World Law Group’s fourth annual network-wide CRS initiative, Soulier Avocats has partnered up with the French association FAF APRIDEV Rhône-Alpes(FAF APRIDEV) a not-for-profit association created and run by and for visually impaired, blind or partially sighted people.
SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan
SyCipLaw demonstrated its continuing commitment to sustainability through its lineup of "Green Initiatives” this year.
Taylor Wessing
Taylor Wessing committed to buy reading licenses which the children need to participate in the program and recruit volunteer reading mentor to read with the children once a week. The reading licenses not only enable the children to read with their mentor but also give them access to more than 1000 books on the app.
TozziniFreire Advogados
This year, Rio Grande do Sul suffered from severe floods that devastated the infrastructure of its cities, directly affecting its population and being classified as "the greatest climate catastrophe" in the state's history. TozziniFreire, which operates in Porto Alegre, demonstrated its support and solidarity with the state in three areas – donations, pro bono assistance, and information – directing its efforts to help and assist the institutions and people affected by the tragedy.
World Law Group
As part of WLG | impact '24, World Law Group expanded the program to include in-person activities at WLG | regionals and WLG | summits.
WLG | regional New York '24: Did you know that the average family in the United States will spend nearly USD 600 per child in preparation for their back-to-school season? During WLG | regional New York '24, our delegates made a positive local impact through a backpack and supplies donation activity. Along with graciously offering space in their New York offices, Locke Lord LLP arranged this fantastic avenue to give back to our host community as part of WLG | impact.