CMS Germany Hosts ESG Centered Regional Event for WLG | impact '23

Published on Apr 21, 2023

CMS Germany hosted WLG | regional Stuttgart '23 in their Green office in Suttgart. In alliance with the location, the sessions revolved around ESG.

Recycling: The firm encouraged colleagues to donate their old mobile phones to the initiative "Handys für Hummel, Biene und Co." of German NGO NABU. Founded in 1899, NABU (Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union) is the oldest and largest environment association in Germany.

Carbon reduction: The firm encouraged colleagues to cycle to work by developing lockable parking spaces and expanding bike leasing.

Education: As part of CMS Academy, that is open to all colleauges and offers a wide range of trainings, the firm will held a seminar on sustainability. The seminar provides a basic understanding of sustainability and promotes the development of sustainable behavior in everyday work.

To support lawyers in advicing clients on ESG topics, together with the University of St. Gallen, CMS developed the 6-month executive training programme "Shaping the ESG future of business". This training provides participants with in-depth knowledge of sustainability in a corporate context and with a comprehensive understanding of the most important trends, topics, framework conditions and instruments of corporate sustainability."