CMS Netherlands Participates in WLG | impact '23

Published on Jun 1, 2023

ESG seminars

In November 2022, CMS Netherlands launched a publication on ESG together with the Nederlandse Genootschap van Bedrijfsjuristen (Dutch Society of In-House Lawyers) during an ESG seminar at the CMS office in Amsterdam. During 2023, this has been followed up with deep-dive breakfast seminars (in Dutch) dicussing specific ESG related topics.

ESG Guide

CMS Netherlands published their ESG guide online and are progress of translating it into English (ESG e-guide: Environmental, Social & Governance | CMS Netherlands).

Ecovadis Certification for WLG | impact '23

CMS Netherlands has received an EcoVadis certification for WLG | impact '23. The firm was granted a bronze medal as a recognition of their EcoVadis Rating. The goal is to improve the score thanks to various continuous ESG initiatives.